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Planlagt indhold:
hvad mangler vi af penge, varer og services?
Hvordan kan man støtte os med penge, varer og services?

Indbetaling af penge - hvordan?
Hvad har vi fået af støtte?
Hvad kan sponsorerne få ud af det? Komme med til Rwanda?
Nuværende sponsorer som vi må offentliggøre?

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Our Sponsors

Working Together

Client 4


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Client 1


This is your Sponsor description. Utilize this space to give background information on the sponsor partnership, or explain the nature of your work together. Use the button to lead readers to specific projects or other relevant pages in your site.

Client 7


This is your Sponsor description. Utilize this space to give background information on the sponsor partnership, or explain the nature of your work together. Use the button to lead readers to specific projects or other relevant pages in your site.

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Mobile Dental Aid
CVR 41357037

Søndre Ringgade 71, st. th.
8000 Aarhus C

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